Scientific Publications
1) Peer-reviewed Journal Articles (arranged by topic).
A) Theory and numerical modelling of the global climate
B) Semi-Lagrangian numerical methods for weather and climate models.
C) Atmospheric data assimilation.
D) “Top-down” stratospheric dynamical influence on the troposphere
E) Dynamics of the tropical atmosphere
F) Dynamic meteorology - miscellaneous
2) Other Publications (selected)
A) Theory and numerical modelling of the global climate
- J. R. Bates (2016). Estimating climate sensitivity using two-zone energy balance models. Earth and Space Science, 3, 207-225. Open access at:
- J. R. Bates, 2012. “Climate stability and sensitivity in some simple conceptual models.” Climate Dynamics, Vol. 38, Issue 3, 455-473.DOI:10.1007/s00382-010-0966-0. (
- J. R. Bates, 2007. “Some considerations of the concept of climate feedback”, Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 133, 545-560 [Erratum: p. 1071].
- V.A. Alexeev, P.L. Langen and J.R. Bates, 2005. “Polar amplification of surface warming on an aquaplanet in ‘ghost forcing’ experiments without sea ice feedbacks”, Climate Dynamics, 24, 655-666.
- V. A. Alexeev and J. R. Bates, 1999. “GCM experiments to test a proposed dynamical stabilizing mechanism in the climate system”, Tellus, 51A, 630-651.
- J. R. Bates, 1999. “A dynamical stabilizer in the climate system: a mechanism suggested by a simple model”, Tellus, 51A, 349-372.
- M. Chen and J. R. Bates, 1996. “A comparison of climate simulations from a semi- Lagrangian and an Eulerian GCM”, J. Climate, 9, 1126-1149.
B) Semi-Lagrangian numerical methods for weather and climate models.
- J. W. Ruge, Y. Li, S. McCormick, A. Brandt and J. R. Bates, 2000. “A nonlinear multigrid solver for a semi-Lagrangian potential vorticity-based shallow water model on the sphere”, SIAM J. Sci. Comp., 21, 2381-2395.
- Y. Li, J. Ruge, J. R. Bates and A. Brandt, 2000. “A proposed adiabatic formulation of three-dimensional global atmospheric models based on potential vorticity”, Tellus, 52A, 129-139.
- Y. Li and J. R. Bates, 1996. “A study of the behavior of semi-Lagrangian models in the presence of orography”, Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 122, 1675-1700.
- M. Chen and J. R. Bates, 1996. “Forecast experiments with a global finite difference semi-Lagrangian model”, Mon. Wea. Rev., 124, 1992-2007.
- J. R. Bates, Y. Li, A. Brandt, S. McCormick and J. Ruge, 1995. “A global shallow water numerical model based on the semi-Lagrangian advection of potential vorticity”, Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 121, 1981-2005.
- S. Moorthi, R. W. Higgins and J. R. Bates, 1995. “A global atmospheric model using a vector semi-Lagrangian finite difference scheme. Part 2: Version with physics.” Mon. Wea. Rev., 123, 1523-1541.
- J. R. Bates, S. Moorthi and R. W. Higgins, 1993. “A global multilevel atmospheric model using a vector semi-Lagrangian finite difference scheme. Part 1: Adiabatic formulation.” Mon. Wea. Rev., 121, 244-263.
- J.R. Bates, 1991. “ Non-interpolating semi-Lagrangian advection schemes with minimized dissipation and dispersion eerrors – comments”. Mon. Wea. Rev., 119, 230-231.
- J. R. Bates, F. H. M. Semazzi, R. W. Higgins and S. R. M. Barros, 1990. “Integration of the shallow water equations on the sphere using a vector semi-Lagrangian scheme with a multigrid solver”, Mon. Wea. Rev., 118, 1615-1627.
- A. McDonald and J. R. Bates, 1989. “Semi-Lagrangian integration of a gridpoint shallow water model on the sphere”, Mon. Wea. Rev., 117, 130-137, 1989.
- J. R. Bates and A. McDonald, 1987. “A semi-Lagrangian and alternating direction implicit method for integrating a multilevel primitive equation model”, Short and Medium Range Numerical Weather Prediction (Special issue of J. Met. Soc. Japan, Ed. T. Matsuno), 223-231.
- A. McDonald and J. R. Bates, 1987. “Improving the estimate of the departure point position in a two-level semi-Lagrangian semi-implicit model”, Mon. Wea. Rev., 115, 737-739.
- J. R. Bates, 1984. “An efficient semi-Lagrangian and alternating direction implicit method for integrating the shallow water equations”, Mon. Wea. Rev., 112, 2033-2047.
- J. R. Bates and A. McDonald, 1982. “Multiply-upstream semi-Lagrangian advective schemes: analysis and application to a multilevel primitive equation model”, Mon. Wea. Rev., 110, 1831-1842.
C) Atmospheric data assimilation.
- Y. Li, I. M. Navon, W. Yang, X. Zou, J.R. Bates, S. Moorthi and R. W. Higgins, 1994. “Four-dimensional variational data assimilation experiments with a multilevel semi-Lagrangian semi-implicit general circulation model”, Mon. Wea. Rev., 122, 966-983.
D) “Top-down” stratospheric dynamical influence on the troposphere
- J. R. Bates, 1981. “A mechanism for the influence of solar variations on climate”, Irish Astron. J., 15, 50-51.
- J. R. Bates, 1981. “A dynamical mechanism through which variations in solar ultraviolet radiation can influence tropospheric climate”, Solar Physics, 74, 399-415.
- J. R. Bates, 1980. “On the interaction between a radiatively damped planetary wave and the zonally averaged circulation in the middle atmosphere”, Pageoph, 118, 266-283
- J. R. Bates, 1977. “Dynamics of stationary ultra-long waves in middle latitudes”, Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 103, 397-430.
E) Dynamics of the tropical atmosphere
- J. R. Bates, 1980. “On the CISK modes of a two-level atmospheric model”, Proc. Roy. Irish Academy, 80A, 49-58.
- J. R. Bates, 1973. “A generalization of the CISK theory”, J. Atmos. Sci., 30, 1509-1519.
- J. R. Bates, 1973. “The intertropical convergence zone and the atmospheric circulation – A study using the primitive equations”. Proc. Roy. Irish Academy, 73A, 227-254.
- J. R. Bates, 1972. “Tropical disturbances and the general circulation”, Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 98, 1-16.
- J. R. Bates, 1970. “Dynamics of disturbances on the intertropical convergence zone”, Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 96, 677-701
F) Dynamic meteorology - miscellaneous
- J. R. Bates, A. M. Lasheen and A. F. Hanna, 1978. “On the application of the Arakawa-Schubert convective parameterization scheme”, J. Atmos. Sci., 35, 1043-1046.
- J. R. Bates, 1975. “A comparison of the constant eddy viscosity and linear drag models of the atmospheric boundary layer”, Proc. Roy. Irish Academy, 75A, 287-301.
2) Other Publications (selected)
- Bates, R., O’Neill, P and Ryan, F. (2021). Basing Flood Defence Planning on Realistic Data for Sea Level Rise. Irish National Hydrology Conference 2021 – Proceedings
- J. R. Bates, 2004. “On climate stability, climate sensitivity and the dynamics of the enhanced greenhouse effect”, Proc. Milutin Milankovitch Anniversary Symposium: Paleoclimate and the Earth Climate System, p. 27-46. Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, 2004. (Also available online at
- J. R. Bates and V. A. Alexeev, 2001. “A dynamical stabilizer in the climate system: a mechanism suggested by a simple model and supported by GCM experiments and an observational data study”, Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium Advances in Mathematical Modelling of Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics (Limerick, Ireland), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 93-98.
- V. A. Alexeev and J. R. Bates, 2000. “A dynamical stabilizer in the climate system: an observational study of the underlying parameterizations”, DCESS Report No. 1, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen.
- J. R. Bates and Y. Li, 1997. “Simulation of stratospheric vortex erosion using three different global shallow water numerical models”, In Numerical Methods in Atmospheric and Atmospheric Modelling (The André Robert Memorial Volume), Eds. C. A. Lin, R. Laprise and H. Ritchie, 55-74. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society.
- Y. Li, S. Moorthi and J. R. Bates, 1994. “Direct solution of the implicit formulation of fourth order horizontal diffusion for gridpoint models on the sphere”, NASA Tech. Memo., 104606.
- J. R. Bates, 1993. M. Fox-Rabinovitz, J. Otterman and Y. C. Sud (Eds.), “Understanding Climate: Selected Works of Yale Mintz”, A. Deepak Publishing Company, 315pp.
- J. R. Bates, S. F. McCormick, J. Ruge, D. S. Sholl and I. Yavneh (1993). A semi-Lagrangian approach to the shallow water equations. Proceedings of the Sixth Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods, Part 2. NASA Langley Research Center. Document ID 19940017007.
- J. R. Bates, 1985. “Semi-Lagrangian advective schemes and their use in meteorological modelling”, Lectures in Applied Mathematics, 22, Part 1, 1-29, Amer. Math. Soc.
- J. R. Bates, 1984. “Lectures Presented at the WMO Workshop on Limited Numerical Weather Prediction Models (Erice, Italy)”, WMO Short and Medium Range Weather Prediction Rsearch Series, 8, Part 1, 4-24 and 157-167.
- J. R. Bates, 1977. “Parameterization of convective processes”, ECMWF Annual Seminar Proceedings, 160-229.